
AFTE 2020 COVID-19

AFTE 2020 COVID-19
13 Mar, 2020 Jill Kurzenberger

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the 2020 Training Seminar Host Committee, we are notifying you of our decision to postpone the annual training seminar to October 2 - 8, 2020.

The recent coronavirus outbreak has truly brought us to an unprecedented situation regarding our annual event.  Multiple discussions and negotiations regarding the original May dates have been on-going with the Board, Host Committee and conference venue. 

The Board has been monitoring CDC recommendations as well as state and federal travel regulations and reviewing our financial contractual obligations; with that, the decision to postpone was not made lightly.  Although this later date may not be ideal, we are committed to bringing our community a quality educational opportunity.

All paid registrations will be transferred to the new Seminar dates. Hotel reservations must be rebooked by the attendees and will not be done automatically. Further guidance will be provided on the Association's website / AFTE Training Conference page regarding the seminar updates.

Again, thank you to all exhibitors, sponsors and members for your continued support and understanding during this very unexpected and unique circumstance.


We greatly appreciate your patience. The Board will provide a follow-up message as soon as all details are determined.